FNGaming Network

Server Information
Address FNGamingNetwork.typefrag.com:9987
Hostname FNGaming Network
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 25
Location United States of America
Version 3.4.0
Platform Linux
Registered by flugznutz
Registered since January 30th, 2017 08:20 PM EST
Last update April 4th, 2017 11:25 PM EST
Vote(s) 0
Rank 402
Score 3
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to FNGaming Network. We are a Gaming Community that is focused on multiple games with servers and meeting new people. Our server is always up and we encourage you to join and hang out with all our members.

Since we are a Gaming Community, we operate based on a simple 3 strike policy so that us or member or guests are not being bothered in anyway. We encourage all FNG members to help each other out in technical support or just be a person to listen to.

We do GIVEAWAYS on the weekly based on peoples attendance and activity with the community.

Our community is one of the best Gaming communities in existence. Our Founding Members have been in and ran some of the most successful GTA IV and GarrysMod Communities but now want to just enjoy all games with new and former people. We strive to be the biggest and best Gaming Community that has ever been.

If you believe that you are the quality that this community expects of its members, then click on the Recruitment tab to learn more about joining this amazing community. Or just join our teampeak its open to the public