Domekologe - Gaming and Streaming Services

Server Information
Hostname Just another Teamspeak Server
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 2 / 100
Location Germany
Version 3.13.6
Platform Linux
Registered by Domekologe
Registered since March 9th, 2016 03:39 AM EST
Last update March 5th, 2019 01:39 AM EST
Vote(s) 0
Rank 204
Score 4
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

This is a free 2 use Teamspeak³ Server from the Gamer and Streamer Domekologe.
You can use it with your friends.

You are able to create your own channel with a password protection!

The server and the Teamspeak Service itself, are very high secured and have multiple security systems to prevent that your data will be in other hands.
Also myself, the server owner, are not able to get you data, because the files are very high encrypted on the servers.